FlōPlan will no longer be available after January 30th. Learn More

Update to Floor Plan Management

As we sunset Floplan, we wanted to be sure that agents won’t have any interruptions with their current listings.

So, we are updating how floor plans are managed, displayed, and integrated within Flexmls. These enhancements will ensure that floor plans are treated as a distinct and valuable media type, improving the visibility of listings with floor plans for agents and providing a better experience for consumers.

Starting on January 30th, Flexmls will include a new dedicated floor plan category separate from photos and documents when adding or editing a listing.
Floor plans will be displayed in their own section on the Listing Detail Page, separate from photos, videos, and tours—providing a clear and user-friendly viewing experience.

How Does This Affect Me as a FlōPlan User?

Floor plans that are still linked to a listing using FlōPlan on January 30th, 2025 will be automatically migrated to the new Flexmls floor plan category within its linked listing.

What Should I Do?

Most importantly, download the floor plans you would like to keep from your FlōPlan account at the floplan.io website. You will no longer have access to download your floor plans after January 30th, 2025.

While linked floor plans will stay on the listing, there will not be an option to download them from the new floor plan category in Flexmls. Migrated floor plans can be set to private,public, or deleted. (Similar to how photos work in Flexmls now)

If you currently have a floor plan linked to a listing using the FlōPlan app and you would like your floor plan to remain linked to the listing, no action is required.