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Featuring FloPlan

Go Time for the FlōPlan System

Jul 20, 2020 Kim Prior

Here we are…the inaugural FlōPlan® blog!

The excitement is building to a crescendo at FBS as we get ready to go live with our first two FlōPlan MLS client-partners: Fargo-Moorhead Area Association of Realtors (FMAAR) during the last week of July and MichRic (Michigan Regional Information Center) in early August.

It’s a great time to share more about FlōPlan and it’s powerful, one-of-a-kind value for the MLS, Agents and consumers.

Deeply Desired, Still Uncommon

Floor plans have been a popular topic (and highly desired) with consumers and Agents alike, appearing close to the top of the consumer’s “most wanted” list in consecutive annual NAR Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report. During recent months with impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic, that demand and desire has escalated as agents seek tools to help them help market listings and support the home search process remotely.NAR Most Wanted Web Features

Despite clear desire and need, floor plan technology simply hasn’t taken off; a vast majority of listings still do not include floorplans. Why? Because until now, floorplan technology has proven neither easy or affordable enough to inspire mass adoption.

FlōPlan: the Evolution in Floor Plan Technology

FlōPlan™ evolves expensive and complicated floor plans with easy to learn and use mobile scan technology by CubiCasa. Wrapped in a modern, simple App and software experience created by FBS, Agents (or someone they invite via the software to perform the walkthrough) can scan a listing and upload the scan for processing with just a mobile device and in about 10 minutes*. In about a day, Agents receive their completed floor plan and can easily upload it to their listing in the MLS System – any MLS System (not just for Flexmls customers – but if you’re ready for a Flexmls demo at the same time, we’re here for it!).No Scan to FloPlan

*depends on property size

Huge Win for MLS

FlōPlan is a grand slam for the MLS: leveraging the core value of cooperation to create marketwide agent and consumer value, creating a new digital asset and maximizing data standards that expand meaningful, future opportunities.

The positive network effect of FlōPlan beautifully highlights and harnesses the MLS core purpose of cooperation to make the market work because a floor plan on every listing elevates the entire marketplace. The power of marketwide cooperation coupled with FloPlan’s affordability and simplicity makes this level of mass adoption achievable.

Like photos, the FlōPlan is a new digital asset, validating IP rights and creating new third party licensing opportunities with the MLS and Broker in the driver’s seat.

FlōPlan room labels are RESO Data dictionary room names, creating the future opportunity for the scan data to initiate a listing for the Agent and expanding opportunities for interoperability with other third party products.

Easy For Agents, Instant Gratification for Consumers, Meets a Timely Need

FlōPlan hits the technology sweet spot with no additional equipment, clunky software/editing or extensive training needed. With just a quick tutorial video, Agents have exactly what’s needed to create a successful scan. Mass adoption of FlōPlan elevates the online home search for consumers. Browsing online inventory is faster and more fulfilling. Buyers can parse quickly, instantly seeing property layouts and spatial flow, narrowing their favorites and in just a few clicks, reserving walk-throughs for properties that meet their needs and wants far more closely. Time with the Agent is more productive and satisfying. In our current environment with so much emphasis on social distancing, a product like FlōPlan supports the Agents in their work, maximizing efficiency and giving clients what they need.

sample of floplan

All inclusive: World Class FBS Service + Professional Marketing

Our goal is to make you shine before, during and after the FlōPlan launch. We’ve developed an extensive customer success program that starts the minute you begin working with us. Experienced staff will work with you to set up your launch timeline, providing you with a professional marketing communication campaign and collateral that includes comprehensive launch messaging, social media content, videos and creative. You just cut, paste and send. Our support and marketing doesn’t end at the launch either. Post launch, we’ll engage directly with your members to ensure they have what they need for FlōPlan success, with checkpoints along the way. And if there’s ever a problem, you and your members have the market-trusted assistance of FBS’s world class customer support team and an on-line learning center with videos, tips and FAQs.

Chat with us!

A floor plan on every listing cascades from the unique, cooperative core value of the MLS, through to the Agent and elevating consumer expectations marketwide. It’s a super exciting time to get on board with FlōPlan as we’re filling our initial pipeline for the remainder of 2020. Matty Epstein (, our Director of Sales at FBS, would love to share a demo with you and your team. Email Matty (or me at today with questions or to learn more.

We’ll keep you posted here with success stories and real-life FlōPlan experiences as we begin our journey to a floor plan on every listing!

Until next time…
