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Linking/Unlinking a Listing

Dusty J

Note: Are you a BeachesMLS member that uses Matrix™? Linking is unavailable, but you can download and share your floor plans.

How do I link my completed floor plan to a listing?

    1. Find the floor plan you wish to link, click to view the details of the floor plan. The FlōPlan App will work it’s magic to find the correct listing and make a suggestion to review.
    2. Just hit “link this listing” to verify accuracy
    3. Then press “link this listing” once more to finalize and your completed floor plan will be immediately attached to your listing.

If the suggested listing is incorrect for some reason, you can click “Find your listing” to choose from your other listings.

Note: Since the quality of the scan can affect accuracy, floor plans linked directly from the app do not include dimensions.
You do have the ability to share or download a version with dimensions directly from the web app to use as you would like.

Can I unlink my listing?

Absolutely! Just find the floor plan you wish to unlink in the FlōPlan App. The details page will show any linked listings. Find and press the “Unlink” option at the bottom of the floor plan detail screen and you are all set.

unlink a listing

Do floor plans only appear on active listings?

A listing can be “incomplete” and still be linked. When you link your floor plans to your listings from the FlōPlan App they will remain linked. This is not affected by market status. So, if you take your listing off the market, your floor plan will stay connected to the property!

Will I need an account in each MLS?

To access the FlōPlan App as an agent, you will need to use credentials for an MLS that has licensed FlōPlan or be a Flexmls Subscriber. Only once the MLS has licensed FlōPlan, then will you be able to use those credentials with the FlōPlan System. If the MLS has not licensed FlōPlan, then you will not be able to access the app with those credentials, unless you are a Flexmls Subscriber.

If I have a single listing in multiple MLSs, will they be able to load it into both or more MLSs’?

You are able to link listings from the FlōPlan App to your listings in any MLS that has licensed the FlōPlan System or subscribes to Flexmls.

What if my MLS is not currently using Flexmls?

The FlōPlan System can be licensed by any MLSs no matter what MLS system they are utilizing. Logins are determined with each MLS.